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Delgado, Florentino
"This exhibition to carry out with approval of somebody who was in his time one of the greatest authorities, it's devote with the best remember to the Torres García's School and his honorable representatives; so much the directors body as well as who where involved at the teaching. I don't quote his names, they knows, isn't necessary. I only want to quote his creator. His lesson was the greater gravitation at the true art value concepts in all valid terms, in all his representation, written and advice by his large and generous teaching, he tolds every day: “That all born out of the pure and clear spirit, respect the wise Nature laws in each thing who surrounding us; the divine proportion written it's the gold rule". As a painting: shape, color proportions, his value and work with love, time tells the rest". Preface realized by Florentino Delgado for one of his most important exhibition at Portón de San Pedro Art Gallery.
Start his drawing and painting studies with the painter Willy Marchand, later attend at the conference series gived by the Master Joaquín Torres García at the Humanities and Sciences Faculty. Subsequently join at his school, staying during several years, participate at the disciples exhibitions.
1944- With “Blanes Viale” group (founder of the group), exhibition in Paso de los Toros” (Uruguay).
1950- Exhibition at Torres García School at Exhibitions organized by Arts and letters Center in honor of the Master. From this year take part in all exhibitions of the Torres García School in this Institution (Uruguay).
1954- Exhibition with members of the Torres García School at the Humanities and Sciences Faculty (Uruguay).
Same year take part in a collective exhibition with Julio Uruguay Alpuy and Hugo Sartore at Salamanca Gallery (Spain).
Collective exhibition with Hugo Sartore and Manuel Otero at the Torres García School in Rondeau street (Uruguay).
1957- Individual exhibition at the Asociación Cristiana Femenina (Uruguay).
1963- Individual exhibition at the Smallest Hall of the Municipal Subway (Uruguay).
1969- Collective exhibition at the Uruguay-USA Cultural Alliance (Uruguay).
1973- Individual exhibition at the San Francisco de Asis Institute (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition at Guinard Gallery of Porto Alegre (Brazil) with exclusive artistis of Karlem Gugelmeier Gallery of Montevideo (Uruguay).
1974- Collective exhibition at Boqui Gallery (Uruguay).
Take part at the “25 Artists of today” at the Uruguay-USA Cultural Alliance (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition at Bruzzone Gallery (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition at Gugelmeier Gallery (Uruguay).
1975- Individual exhibition at “Estudio G” at the Ciudadela Building (Uruguay).
Take part at the exhibition realized in adhesion at the "150 years of the Historical Facts of 1825 in Uruguay and at the Bicentenary of the United States of America Independence" at the Uruguay-USA Cultural Alliance (Uruguay).
Exhibition at the Círculo Cultural Femenino Hispano Uruguayo.
1976- Collective exhibitions in honor of his team member Horacio Torres at Contemporánea Gallery (Uruguay).
1977- Collective exhibition at La Candela Gallery (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition at Contemporánea Gallery (Uruguay).
Individual Exhibition at the Municipal Theater of Treinta y Tres City (Uruguay). This same exhibition goes to the Centro Democrático de José Pedro Varela in Lavalleja (Uruguay).
1978- Individual exhibition at Boqui Gallery (Uruguay).
1979- Individual exhibition at the "Blanque Art Center" of the Commerce Stock Market Bolsa of Montevideo (Uruguay).
1981- Exhibition with Manolo Lima at Artea Gallery (Uruguay).
1982- Exhibition at Artea Gallery (Uruguay).
1983- Exhibition at Artea Gallery (Uruguay).
1984- Invited to take part at the San José Biennial (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition at Portón de San Pedro Art Gallery (Uruguay).
1985- Take part at the Salto City Biennial (Uruguay).
Collective exhibition in honor of the Engraver Raúl Cattelani at Contemporánea Gallery (Uruguay).
1986- Individual exhibition at Portón de San Pedro Art Gallery (Uruguay).
1946- Take part at the Interior and Autumn Contests in San José (Uruguay). Obtain Silver Medals.
Frome this year take part in all Interior Contests gived several prizes.
1952- Take part at the Interior Plastic Artists Contest, Special Mention (Uruguay).
1958- Take part at the 1st Non-Figurative Painting Contest, at the Arts and letters Center (Uruguay).
1959- 2nd Non-Figurative Painting Contest at the Arts and letters Center (Uruguay).
1971-72-73- Take part at National and Municipal Contests (Uruguay).
1974- Take part at the National Plastic Arts Contest, where obtains important Prize.
Take part at the Salto City Contest (Uruguay).
Take part at the Montevideo Municipal Contest, Prizewinning (Uruguay).
1977- Take part at the XL National Contest, Acquisition Prize (Uruguay).
1980- Municipal Contest of Rocha City, Acquisition Prize (Uruguay).
1981- Municipal Contest of Rocha City, Acquisition Prize (Uruguay).
1982- Municipal Contest of Rocha City, Acquisition Prize (Uruguay).
1983- Maldonado Departamental Contest (Uruguay).
National Plastic Arts Contest of Montevideo (Uruguay).
1984- Invited to take part at the San José Biennial (Uruguay).
Take part at the Maldonado Departamental Contest (Uruguay).
1985- Take part at the National Plastic Arts Contest of Mercedes (Uruguay), Acquisition Prize.
Take part at the Salto City Biennial (Uruguay).
Take part at the Maldonado Departamental Contest (Uruguay).
Died in Montevideo (Uruguay) on 31st August of 1992.
Prólogo realizado por Florentino Delgado para una de sus más importantes exposiciones realizada en Galería de Arte Portón de San Pedro.
Esta muestra que llevo a cabo con la aprobación de alguien que ha sido en su tiempo una de las mayores autoridades, va dedicada con el mejor recuerdo al Taller Torres García y a sus dignos representantes; tanto en el cuerpo de directores como a los que intervinieron en la enseñanza.
No voy a citar sus nombres, ellos ya lo saben, no es necesario. Voy a citar a su creador. Su lección fue de la mayor gravitación en el verdadero concepto de los valores de la plástica en todos sus términos valederos, en toda su representación, pues escrito y aconsejado por su amplia y generosa enseñanza, lo decía a diario: “Que todo nazca del espíritu puro y limpio, respetar las leyes que la sabia Naturaleza nos muestra en cada cosa que nos rodea; la divina proporción escrita es la regla de oro”. Como ejemplo para la pintura: forma, relación de colores, sus valores y trabajar con amor, que el tiempo dirá lo demás.