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Tirzah Ribeiro Exhibition
September 17 1981
17 September, 1981 by
Tirzah Ribeiro Exhibition
Porton de San Pedro, Administrador

Tirzah Ribeiro's work is slowly moving towards a search for meaning.  Her abstractions become more eloquent when the chromaticism is intensified and one feels that the figuration is struggling to emerge.

Mr. Ramiro Díaz, Mr. Carlos Caffera, Ms. Tirzah Ribeiro, Mr. Guillermo Braemi, Ms. Miriam Mnagan and Mr. Juan Carlos Ferreira Santos.

Mr. Rodolfo Kliche, Dr. Belkis B. De Kliche, Ms. Lucía Rius de Loureiro, Ms. Pla Ellauri de Colominas and Mr. Rodolfo Colominas.

Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Brazil in Montevideo Mr. Antonio Marques Porto, Ms. Tirzah Ribeiro, Director of the Instituto Uruguayo-Brasileño de Cultura Mr. Severino Farías and Ms. Aída Moreno.

General view of the exhibition.