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Osvaldo Leite Retrospective
August 11 1980
11 August, 1980 by
Osvaldo Leite Retrospective
Porton de San Pedro, Administrador

After a vast European experience, with awards, successes and a new world in his paintings, the Uruguayan painter Osvaldo Leite has returned.  His work -the result of that trajectory- according to the author is "the thread of his interiority".

General view of the exhibition.

Mr. Domingo Mattos, Ms. Inés Arancibia, Mr. Osvaldo Leite and Ms. Susana Bazurro de Mattos.

Dr. Carlos Garbino, Mr. Ernesto Garassini and his wife and Mr. Osvaldo Leite.

Mr. Omar Santos, Mr. José Cardozo, Mr. Osvaldo Leite, Ms. Ana Leite de Arcos and Arch. Carlos Arcos.

Mr. Cristy Gava, Mr. Mario Erlifman and his wife and Mr. Osvaldo Leite.

Ms. Teresihna Leite, Ms. Raquel G. de Damborianrena, Mr. Luis A. Damboriarena and Mr. Osvaldo Leite.