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Ruano Figari, Rafael
Born in Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1925.
Start his painting studies in 1940.
Studied architecture and worked since 1945 to 1950 with the master Vicente Martín in his studio. Take part in several collective exhibitions in Montevideo and Punta del Este (Uruguay).
In 1961 wons Francisco Bauzer Prize at the XXV Fine Arts Contest (Uruguay).
In 1972 exhibit his work at the XXXV Salón de Artes Plásticas, at Oca Morganti gallery (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and at Club Torres (S.A.P.T., Brazil).
In 1973 take part at the XXXVI National Exhibition at Sergio Curto's studio (Uruguay).
In 1974 exhibit his works at Centro de Viajantes, in El Refugio gallery and at Contemporánea gallery (Montevideo, Uruguay).
In 1975 exhibit his works at Club Uruguay de Salto (Salto, Uruguay), at Nuestro Taller galllery (Montevideo, Uruguay) and at Contemporánea gallery. At the same year, obtain a Prize at the XXIII Salón Municipal de Artes Plásticas (Montevideo, Uruguay).
In 1976 exhibit his works at Sergio Curto's studio, at the US Embassy in Montevideo, at Ceriani gallery, at Club de Golf de Montevideo and at Columbia Palace Hotel (Uruguay).
In 1977 obtain Acquisition Prize at XLI Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas (Uruguay). Exhibit his works at Instituto Cultural Anglo Uruguayo, at salón Knoll de arte, at the XXV Municipal Contest (Montevideo, Uruguay).
In 1978 take part at the XXVI Municipal Contest (Montevideo, Uruguay).
In 1988 exhibit his works at several galleries of Punta del Este and La Barra (Uruguay).
Plásticos Uruguayos. Librería del Palacio Legislativo